What are ordinance act and bill Know the difference between these

What are ordinance act and bill Know the difference between these

ordinance, Words like Act and Bill often come up while listening to news., Although these words are related to law, But many people do not know the difference between them, Let us know the difference between these three in this article today.,

What is a bill?

Let us tell you that a bill is a proposed law. It can be presented by any Member of Parliament or Government. Its purpose is to change an existing law, make a new law or repeal an old law. It is noteworthy that the bill is presented in the Parliament and it passes through different stages. These stages include discussion, debate and voting. If the bill is passed by both the houses of the Parliament and gets the assent of the President, then it becomes a law.

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What is an Act?

An Act is a law passed by the Parliament and approved by the President. This is a major source of law, which applies to all the citizens of the country.

What is an ordinance?

An ordinance is a law which is issued by the President. An ordinance is issued when Parliament is not in session and there is an urgent need to make a law on any subject. Let us tell you that the ordinance is temporary and it has to be converted into an Act by presenting it in the next session of Parliament. If Parliament does not approve the ordinance in the next session, it automatically becomes repealed.

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Why are ordinances issued?

When there is an emergency and there is a need to make an immediate law, then ordinances are issued. Even when Parliament is not in session and there is an urgent need to make a law on some subject, ordinances are issued.

Difference between Bill, Act and Ordinance?

By now you must have understood the bills, acts and ordinances. Let us tell you that Bill is a proposal, Act is a passed law and Ordinance is a temporary law which is issued by the President. It is important for everyone to understand the difference between these three, because it helps us understand how the laws of the country are made and implemented.

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